Category Archives: Youth Homelessness

The FY2018 Budget Request Cuts Assistance to Homeless People and People At-Risk of Homelessness by $6 Billion

The President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Budget Request proposes to cut funding to assist homeless people and people at-risk of homelessness by more than $6 billion compared to the enacted FY2016 funding level and the enacted FY2017 funding level, the latter which was not enacted at the time the budget request was prepared.
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The Newly-Released HUD Homeless Report Shows Unsheltered Homelessness Increased by 2% or 3,000 Persons in 2016

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development released Part 1 of its Annual Homelessness Assessment Report for 2016 this past week reporting the number of homeless people, homeless individuals, homeless families, homeless veterans, chronically homeless people, and homeless youth on a given night.  In the report, the number of homeless people on a single night was 549,928, a decrease of 2.6% from the year before.  Unfortunately, the report noted that the declines were composed entirely of people staying in sheltered locations and that homelessness increased among people without shelter by 2%.  The number of homeless persons without shelter increased by 3,089 persons from 173,268 in 2015 to 176,357 in 2016.
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PHAs Administering the Family Unification Program, with the HOTMA Revisions, Should Use the Statutory, Not the Regulatory, Definition of “At Risk of Homelessness”

On June 29, President Obama signed into law the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA), which included several reforms of federal rental assistance, including expanding the family unification program (FUP) for youth leaving and aging out of foster care.  First, section 110 of HOTMA expanded the length of the term for FUP assistance of youth leaving or aging out of foster care from 18 months to 36 months.  HOTMA, Pub. L. No. 114-201, § 110(1)(A), 130 Stat. 782, 803 (codified at 42 U.S.C. § 1437f(x)(2)).  Second, section 110 increased the maximum age of eligibility for FUP assistance of youth leaving or aging out of foster care from 21 years old to 24 years old.  Id. § 110(1)(B), 130 Stat. at 803.  Third, section 110 increased eligibility for FUP assistance from youth who have left foster care to include youth who will leave foster care within 90 days, in accordance with a transition plan.  Id. § 110(1)(C), 130 Stat. at 803.  Fourth, section 110 stated eligibility for FUP assistance of youth leaving or aging out of foster care if they were homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.  Id.

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More Foster Care Youth Eligible for Family Unification Program But More Funding is Needed

The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA), signed into law by President Obama on July 29th, includes several reforms of federal rental assistance, such as expanding the family unification program for children leaving and aging out of foster care. Continue reading More Foster Care Youth Eligible for Family Unification Program But More Funding is Needed

House HHS Appropriations Bill Should Include $599 Million in Increased Funding for Children and Family Services

The Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations bill that was passed by the appropriations subcommittee in the U.S. House of Representatives last week and this is schedule to be marked up in the full U.S. House appropriations committee this week provides more funding for the child care and development block grant, seven of the children and family services programs, and payments for foster care and permanency that should provide more assistance to homeless people and other low-income people, but some of these programs are funded below the Administration’s requested amount and the bill does not provide any increase in funding for the social services block grant, fifteen of the children and families services programs, and the promoting safe and stable families program.
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House Labor Appropriations Bill Needs $261 Million to Prevent Cuts to Job Training Programs and Provide Training and Employment Services to Thousands of Americans

The Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Education appropriations bill that was passed by the appropriations subcommittee in the U.S. House of Representatives last week and that is scheduled to be marked up in the full U.S. House appropriations committee this week provides level funding for many training and employment programs that may assist homeless people in obtaining employment, but the bill can be strengthened to increase the number of unemployed people and homeless adults and youth who are able to receive training and employment services.
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Report Provides Recommendations to Prevent and End Youth Homelessness

This blog post is the last post in our series summarizing the findings from our new
report, Without a Home and More: Youth Count 2015, and provides policy
recommendations for preventing and ending youth homelessness based on the
characteristics of homeless youth, causes of youth homelessness, characteristics of
youth homelessness
, assistance needed by homeless youth, and obstacles to
assistance and housing for homeless youth
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Report Discusses Obstacles to Assistance and Housing for Homeless Youth

This blog post continues this week’s series on homeless youth and the announcement of our new report, Without a Home and More: Homeless Youth Count 2015.  The previous blog posts described the characteristics of homeless youth, causes of youth homelessness, characteristics of youth homelessness, and assistance that homeless and unstably housed youth need.
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Report Describes the Types of Assistance That Homeless Youth Need

Our new report, Without a Home and More: Homeless Youth Count 2015, and previous blog posts describe the characteristics of homeless youth, causes of youth homelessness, and characteristics of youth homelessness from survey responses of three thousand homeless youth at fifteen locations around the nation to provide information to assist in preventing and ending youth homelessness.
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Report Displays Locations, Duration, Episodic Nature, and Safety of Youth Homelessness

In order to prevent and end youth homelessness for the 46,000 homeless youth on a given night, our previous two blog posts have described the characteristics of homeless youth and the causes and contributors to youth homelessness from our new report, Without a Home and More: Homeless Youth Count 2015.
Continue reading Report Displays Locations, Duration, Episodic Nature, and Safety of Youth Homelessness